CR1000 Series Datalogger 'date: 07/16/2024 'program author: Katie Anderson 'Program to read 1 METER Group TEROS 22 on a CR1000 'Wiring: 'Brown wire (power) -> SW12V 'Orange wire (data) -> C1 'Bare wire (ground) -> G 'Declare Public Variables 'Example: Public PTemp, batt_volt 'Declare Other Variables 'Example: 'Dim Counter 'Declare Constants 'Example: 'CONST PI = 3.141592654 Public SensorOut(2) Alias SensorOut(1) = matricPotential Alias SensorOut(2) = temperature Units Temp = Deg_C Units tension = kPa 'Define Data Tables DataTable (TEROS22data,1,-1) DataInterval (0,1,Min,10) Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False) Sample (1,PTemp,FP2) Sample (1,temperature,FP2) Sample (1,matricPotential,IEEE4) EndTable 'Define Subroutines 'Sub 'EnterSub instructions here 'EndSub 'Main Program SequentialMode BeginProg Scan (5,Sec,0,0) PanelTemp (PTemp,250) Battery (batt_volt) 'Apply power to brown wire of sensor through SW-12 PortSet (9,1) 'Delay for at least 250 mSec for sensor to enter SDI-12 mode. Delay (0,1,Sec) 'Query sensor for 3 SDI-12 outputs. Default address for all METER Group sensors is 0. SDI12Recorder (SensorOut(),1,0,"M!",1.0,0) 'Turn SW12V off PortSet (9,0) 'Enter other measurement instructions 'Call Output Tables 'Example: CallTable TEROS22data NextScan EndProg